

Acmegrade is a knowledge and skill acquisition portal with the goal of getting the youth of today ready for their professional careers. The training institute’s motto is driven by the belief that knowledge on its own is not nearly enough to survive in today’s professional landscape. Thus, they give all their students not only the necessary knowledge, but hone industry-relevant skills through the practical experience they need to start successful and rewarding careers in their field of interest.


Acmegrade Problem Statement

Acmegrade wanted an LMS to skill and train their students in the required industry-specific domains like information technology (IT), data science, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI), among others. Since they deliver internships as well, they already had their own training courses. But since the content was segmented across multiple channels, they wanted a central online platform to structure their entire knowledge base.

Playablo’s Partnership With Acmegrade

PlayAblo, a mobile-first, microlearning-driven, and gamified eLearning platform, is designed specifically to work with custom corporate training requirements – distinctive to each organization. It understood that Acmegrade’s needs are highly targeted toward trainees being able to acquire specific skills-related knowlege and partnered with the former to become its LMS provider.


After integrating PlayAblo’s LMS, Acmegrade could structure everything on the platform – to deliver learning to all its students. Learning is currently more driven and accessible – thanks to PlayAblo’s commitment toward bite-sized content, delivered on portable gadgets, and made interesting with the incorporation of multimedia. Acmegrade currently uses PlayAblo across all tech training domains and has, to date, provided training to 8000+ students via our platform.

Client Testimonials: Real Voices, Real Success

Fast-track your L&D initiatives with PlayAblo™ LMS and our ready-to-use PlayAblo Skills Library